May Students Of The Month
May 5, 2017
Steeleville Customer Appreciation Day
June 5, 2017On Thursday, May 4th, Coulterville Banking Center Representatives Kim Reuscher & Marie House along with Ryan Berry from First State Bank of Campbell Hill visited Coulterville Elementary School as part of National Teach Children to Save Day. This year students in Grades K-2 participated in the event. Kindergarten students learned about safe and unsafe places to keep their money, while 1st and 2nd Grade students listened to a story about saving and managing money. At the end of the presentation 1st and 2nd Grade students were given the opportunity to decorate coin banks that were labeled for Savings, Spending, & Giving. During the decorating students talked about the purpose of each bank and how they could be used to help manage money. Kindergarten students were presented with backpacks and a coloring sheet that they could return to the bank for a gift certificate to the Coulterville Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone. Approximately 50 students participated in the event. Teach Children to Save is a national program sponsored by the ABA (American Bankers Association) Community Engagement Foundation that organizes banker volunteers to help young people develop a savings habit early in life.