Coulterville Appreciation Day
April 24, 2015
Senior Luncheon
May 18, 2015On Friday May 1, 2015, employees Josh Brown & Kim Reuscher from Coulterville Banking Center, along with employees Ryan Berry & Shellie Astin from First State Bank of Campbell Hill presented the opportunity for students from Coulterville Elementary school to participate in the Teach Children to Save 2015 program. Teach Children to Save is a national program sponsored by the ABA (American Bankers Association) Community Engagement Foundation that organizes banker volunteers to help young people develop a savings habit early in life. Presentations were made to students in grade levels K-5. Presentations for grade K-2 focused on the safest places to save their money, while presentations made to students in grades 3-5 focused on the importance of saving and making the choice between spending or saving. Students in grades K-2 received a pencil packet with crayons & coloring sheets. Students in grades 3-5 were presented with a bank labeled for savings, and a blank bank that students were given the opportunity to decorate to be used as a spending bank. A total of six presentations were made, with approximately 100 students participating in the program.